Healthy Eating and Staying Warm

Healthy Eating

Food prices have gone up significantly over the last few years. For many people, this means having to eat more cheaply. You can still have a good, varied diet on a budget and the British Dietetic Association has some brilliant ideas for reducing food costs while maintaining a healthy diet.

How do we know whether we’re eating the right amounts of the right foods? The British Nutrition Foundation has a handy guide to portion sizes, and rather than concentrating on weighing and measuring, it uses easy-to-compare measurements, such as a baked potato the size of your fist being a portion.

Staying warm

Staying warm when it’s cold outside can be challenging, and the UK is expected to see a colder than average start to December. Budgets are squeezed for many, so cost-effective tips from the BHF are especially welcome.

The Red Cross have information about staying warm during the winter, including a link to the 3,000 plus Warm Hubs across the country that are offering a warm place to be if you’re struggling to heat your home.